Coracle Consort
Central to any educational or training programme will be an element of structured content. Subject matter experts spend time collaborating, reviewing and editing content to deliver the knowledge that their learners rely on to develop skills. For simple or entry level programmes this is generally sufficient, however, where learners are expected to apply knowledge and to develop critical thinking, the level of subjectivity applied during the writing, reviewing and editing process can result in missed opportunities.
As a software company, we spend a degree of our time writing programmes that give clear, unambiguous outputs based on predictable inputs. A simple example of this might be that when you press a button on one of our websites, we deliver something that matches the label on the button. Can this approach always be applied to learning content? Can a linear progression through content compiled via the editing of a subject matter expert deliver enough context to maximise the learning opportunity?
Answering this relies on handling content in a manner that gives as much flexibility as possible. Learners approach subjects with a range of background information and biases towards the subject, inevitably giving rise to a more qualitative approach to their studies than linear courses of yesterday allowed for. Our approach to delivering contextual content aims to replicate the human interaction process, achieved by considering the content from a ‘what we expect it to do’ as well as a ‘how we expect to deliver it’ perspective.
In a world where standardised tests and league tables have replaced trust in the educational system, this approach to delivering trusted content, in context of the individual learning plan, is an important element to delivering a value added service.
Additionally, eLearning content comes from many sources, including written text and a range of multi-media files. Making sense of a wide range of documents requires an analytical approach: welcome to Coracle CON[tent] SORT [ing].
Coracle utilise qualitative data analysis techniques to provide context to complex content whilst our software converts large document files into eLearning formats to suit your needs.
Research matters
- We believe that creating content is important
- We believe that there is a wealth of great content available already
- We believe that providing the means to combine bespoke content with third party content is the most effective way to help learners
Experience matters
One size does not fit all, which is why we consider a range of learning styles. We know that you could have worked with any number of companies to deliver your project and we hope that you selected our team because you value our experience. With that in mind, please don’t be offended if we challenge any of your thoughts or feedback. We will only do so where we feel that we can add value; if we don’t offer our advice, what’s the point of hiring experts?!